Things You Need to Know When Buying a Reciprocating Air Compressor

If you are owning a business or a garage or a factory, the chances are you will surely need a reciprocating air compressor to conduct your day to day activities. However, selecting the right reciprocating air compressor is not easy. There are many kinds of compressors available in the market and you should know which is the right compressor for you.

An air compressor is a big investment for your business and you cannot get wrong on this. If you have never heard about the kind of compressors available in the market, this is the time that you understand about the different models of the air compressors.

So, next time you reach out to your air compressor manufacturer in India, consider the following 7 factors before you clinch the final deal:

1.    Compressor Type

There are basically, three kinds of air compressor available;
·         Single Stage
·         Two-Stage
·         Twin Compressors
The Single stage air compressor compresses the air in one stroke only. The pressure goes from 20 CPM (cubic foot per minute) at the pressure of 125 psi.
If you require more power, you will need two-stage air compressors that compresses air in two stages. These compressors have two pistons/cylinders.

2.            Capacity and Pressure

The pressure and the capacity of the air compressor are the two essential components of the air compressor. If you wish to find out the capacity of the air compressor, you need to add the consumption of all the tools you use. To check the pressure, you can go back to the specifications given in the instruction manual. The dictated highest pressure is the pressure you need.

3.            Horse Power

Horse Power is the way to measure the strength of the air compressor and you do not need to know about it. Your focus should always remain on pressure and the capacity.

4.            Noise

Noise would matter when you are planning to install the air compressor in the premises. When the air compressor is kept outside, a little noise would be fine. A reciprocating compressor does make huge noises. However, you can check the quantum of the noise before buying one.

5.            Electrical Connections

An air compressor would definitely come with a lot of wiring and you would not be the first one to get entangled in its wires. Just know the voltage and the power it is going to consume and if you do not have the right circuit breakers to support the same, get an electrical panel installed.

6.            Compressed Air Filters

Compressed air is hot and the filters need to be cleared at regular interval. The cleaning cycle would depend on your usage. Your task is to remove the filter, clean the water and oil and put it back in its place. There are many tools available in the market that will help you keep your air compressor clean and dirt free.

7.          Duty Cycle

        Last but not the least, you need to check the duty cycle of the air compressor
        you  are buying. If it is for your industry, you need a sturdy one and it should be
        durable. The ideal lifespan of an air compressor is always stated on the manual.  
        You can go through it and take a decision.

We hope that the above points will help you reach the best air compressor manufacturer in India. Select the best and stay safe and sound. 


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