How to Pick the Perfect Industrial Air Compressor

Air compressors are pretty awesome machines designed to reduce your task.
There is no dearth of air compressors in the market. With more and more technological advancements, there are a variety of choices available and at the same time, it is becoming difficult for the business persons to choose the right air compressor for their industrial unit.

Therefore, we are here with some insights on how you can select the right air compressor. The blog will talk about some four parameters on which, you can judge your requirement and cut down your options gradually to reach the best pick. And, we hope that next time you visit one of the best air compressor manufacturers in India, this buying guide will surely help you.

You can select your air compressor based on the following parameters:

  1. Compressor Size

Deciding the size of an air compressor is the most challenging task. The advanced air compressors are quite efficient and powerful. Hence, while picking up the air compressor for yourself, you should understand the application and usage to the size of the machine perfectly. Ask yourself the following questions:
         a.    What amount of pressure do I need?
                 b.    What is the right airflow for my compressor?

Pressure and flow are the most common terms used while talking about air compressors. Pressure is the magnitude of force required to perform a certain task and flow is the ability of the air compressor to perform a particular task continuously for an acceptable period of time.

2.           Compressor Type

Once you are able to decide the size of the compressor, you should focus on the type. There are mainly two kinds of air compressor available in the market:

        a.            Piston air compressor

This is the most convenient and the economical air compressor      available. This air compressor is also known as reciprocating air compressor. This kind of air compressor is mainly found in small shops. Generally, these air compressors have utility in tyre shops, machine shops and so on. These are easy to maintain and require less investment.

        b.            Rotary Screw Air compressor

If you are in need of a constant air flow and you are looking for a sturdy air compressor then you should go for the rotary screw air compressor. These air compressors can be used up to a complete duty cycle continuously. These air compressors are built to provide reliable operation for long term. 

3.           Oil - Free Air Compressor

Once the problem of the kind of air compressor is solved, you should look for the options between an oil free and lubricated air compressor. Oil free air compressors do not need much maintenance but they are costly. Oil-free compressors are mainly used in wide range of sensitive application like Food & Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Hospital & Where ever at free air is required.

4.           Oil - Lubricated Air Compressor

If the oil contamination in your industry is not too Sensitive, you can go for the oil-lubricated air compressor. The oil in the air compressors is used to lubricate, seal and cool the air compressor as well. Most of the industry owners go for the oil lubricated air compressor only.

Once you clear your doubts and based on the aforementioned points, you can contact the air compressor manufacturers in India and pick up the right air compressor for your industrial unit. 


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